
Welcome to my intro page

My name is Patricia Remy and I live in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. I am an Office- & Projects Professional and have worked as
Management-, Sales & Marketing- and Project Assistant and Purchasing Manager in several international industries.
Read more about this on my CV homepage >>

I am a very positive person and enjoy spending time with nice things and good people. For many years I was 'the nanny', surrounded by lots of small children from family and friends. All nephews and nieces are adults now and some even have their own kids. With friends in ages between 35 and 70 I always seem to stay surrounded by small children and I like that very much and think it is pretty special.

Because I don't have children of my own, I decided to sponsor a child a couple of years ago. Her name is Cielo and she lives in Perú. The choice for a child in Perú is because of the Spanish language, a hobby for years now which comes in handy for staying in touch with Cielo. Cielo turned 9 this year and she can already write letters to me herself. She also always sends a drawing with her letter and every year I receive a new photo of Cielo. With this sponsorship I intend to share giving hope for a brighter future to a child and her family who are living in poverty.

Another part of my life is the yearly gatherings with the 'girlz group'(my chicas); including myself this is a group of 11 women who used to work together at Philips and who have known each other for many many years now. It started with a dinner every year, after that we also made day trips together and in 2006 I had organised our first weekend out in Barcelona.

So, organising of travel and events is more than a professional skill that also is very useful at home.
Read more about this in PA Patty >>

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